Sunday, December 9, 2012


Due to time and the nature of the standard - I am proposing that we move RI 8.3 to the next unit and remove it from this unit.  The use of analogies and comparisons may fit very well within the argumentation standard. I am especially thinking of the arguments that MLK Jr. makes in "I Have a Dream" - he has so many analogies within that one text. Actually, most arguments made with rich language may include the use of analogies and comparisons.

Also - I just don't think I can teach that standard and RI 8.9 this week and be ready for a test by next Tuesday. This is, of course, on top of getting the writing accomplished. UGH!

So Tiffany posted some questions to Dropbox and I am going to post mine this evening. Please upload anything you have! What we MUST do is write our answers to the ERQ and SAQ's. Do this independently and bring to the PLC Thursday - please have this finished. We need to hash this out together before we asses the students. Also, please have completed the MC questions to make sure there are no misunderstandings/confusions that could pose a problem for our kids. I really want to get together after the test is given and score together - at least one class. We can trade and grade or grade our own. This will help us each see issues, common errors, etc. We can do this next Wednesday during our PLC's.

Please give me feedback on dropping RI 8.3 or if you have any questions (email or comment below)!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Unit 3 Common Assessment and Test Writing

For unit 3 we need to assess the reading standards RI 8.2, RI 8.3, RI 8.9. Plus we need to stay on L.8.4 and L.8.5. 

We are using the Benedict Arnold Passages and the passage on government in the Common Core Clinic book specifically for RI 8.3. Here is a link on teaching RI 8.9. In the last paragraph it includes links to the two Benedict Arnold passages we are using on the text. I have them electronically & hard copy at school. 

WRITING QUALITY QUESTIONS: I think assessment writing is tough stuff, as we try to make the tests authentic to KPREP. I found this link to a sample test WITH explanations of questions. Scroll through and look at how the questions are written and the justifications - a great guide to help you as you write! RI 8.2 is prominently featured in the constructed response. Check it out! 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Advanced Synthesis Practice and Assessment Pieces for On-Demand Practice

I found two articles in a magazine we have laying around the house that directly relates to the same topics/themes of Outliers (it is titled Scientific American Mind--it is scholarly).  I was reading the On-Demand practice prompt for argument, and I think one article can work as practice, and the other can work as the test.  I think we can practice teaching them how to synthesize information from both the book and the article.  The On-Demand test will only provide them one relatively easy passage.  We will be bumping up the difficulty level beyond the test which will hopefully enable better results on the real On-Demand test.  The articles differ in the exact argument they are presenting, but a lot of the information is similar to the book.  I think it would be a good exercise to teach them how to weed through both the article and book to provide a well informed argument on a position.  I think our argument we ask them to write will have to deal with what are the factors that create extreme success; i.e. opportunity/culture/socio-economic position vs. innate ability, or a mix of both.  For On-Demand it tells them what side to take, so I think we should do that also.  This choice in argument would not focus on the use of anecdote, so we would just need to completely change the prompt.  I will show you the articles, and we will discuss it.  I will get my husband to scan the, so I can email them to you this weekend. 

P.S.  I know you already know this stuff about On-Demand, so I am spitting out what I know, so you can correct any of my misconceptions. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Calendar/Common Assessment

Our semester is closing quickly.

My students will be turning in their final drafts of the research assignment on Dec. 10.  It has taken us since the start of the unit to get this far and I have been explicitly focused on RI 8.2 and W 8.2.  We will write an essay as a class next week as a strategy for teaching writing.  I have two organizers that I found helpful as well.  I will need to give the Common Reading Assessment on the Dec. 14 so that I have time to get in a Common Written Narrative before break.  

I believe we all need to write questions for the Common Assessment by Thursday of next week, so we can begin putting it together--which usually takes about 2 weeks. 

If you can look at the Benedict Arnold piece, and write one question under each standard assigned to a target--so about three MC questions.  Make sure you write which target and standard is being assessed.  We will go over our questions together on Thursday.  Ms. Dixon will be assigned to our meeting that day.   

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Updated Advanced Common Assessment on Dropbox

I have found an article to assess the standard about bias language.  I purpose three articles.  2 ERQs and 1 SAQ.  They can choose between two articles for one of the ERQs.  I am taking off the original SAQ.  I would like to change the wording of the first ERQ to include rhetorical appeals. 


Videos for our Current Reading Standards

Here is are some videos that illustrate some the standards we are currently using. Of course, our topics differ but the approach to the target should be similar. I don't think the teaching strategies are extraordinary or uber creative in these videos, but they are certainly intentional and very focused on the standards. I really like how they annotate the targets as they teach.

This one features RI.8.9 (8.6 is being used too, but we are not assessing that target - we can mention it OF COURSE - but it won't be a focus for us at this time):

This one features RI8.3 and RI 8.1. Tiffany, look at resources (Springboard).


Good Morning!

I have a challenge for our PLC group. I would like for each of us to log into our CIITS accounts and get hooked up to PD360! 

PD 360 is like a facebook+youtube+blackboard for teachers. Despite my original scoffing, I am actually digging the resource. You create a profile, connect to colleagues and find helpful videos on everything. (Warning *ahem, cobb* My computer plug-in is in full gear!)

I've watched a lesson on teaching RL 8.2 this morning - it was not extraordinary but it was a great way to see how someone else tackled a standard - new peeps (and really all of us) this is great way for you to 'observe' other folks teaching styles. For instance, the girl in the video I watched talked about she 'diffused' the learning target with her students. It's like she annotated the target with her students before each lesson, so targets are not just posted - they are intentionally discussed each day. A really easy technique that I grabbed by watching a 3 minutes of a video.

I know there were some original log-in issues, but I encourage you to try again. As we get more proficient with this we can start and join groups on the site that are filled with resources and advice.
I think you have to get into to CIITS to get to PD 360, so......

1. Go to MCHS web page - Staff Links - CIITS
2. Log in with your school email. I think you can get a password sent to you if your password isn;t working. I had to do that earlier this year. It sent immediately.
3. On CIITS site you have a home page. I'll admit - the CIITS site is way over my head. I am not having any luck finding wonderful, inspiring material on the site. I need training for it. HOWEVER, you can link to PD 360 from there.
4. On the right hand side of your CIITS home page you should see a link for PD 360. It is a little green apple and says "PD 360". *I had to fix the pop-up blocker on my computer to get to it - which is weird because I rarely have to do that on my computer. 

Create an account for PD 360.
Once you are on there is a profile creator that is super similar to most social networking profile startups. It will prompt you to add information and connect to colleagues. After that the Internet magic takes over and you suddenly are lost in videos and searches. ;)  There is some points thingy that calculates how many points you can earn by doing different stuff on the site: 10 points for watching a video, 10 points for finding a colleague....I have no clue what the points are for but I am secretly wishing they'll transfer to dollars. Ha!

What to do on PD 360.
My suggestion is to click on the PD videos and the Common Core links. If you are looking for instructional materials - go Common Core. If you are looking for classroom management go to PD videos. There is a ton of stuff - some are better quality than others - but give it try. It is a quick and easy way to access info on improving instruction - and it beats the hell out of sorting through  research articles and books (says the reading teacher).

LET'S DO THIS! (Cue poms poms & fight song). We will can be the first McNabb PLC to have synced into PD 360 - that's fun, right?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

8th Materials

Info on readings:

There are a lot of links to different materials you can use on the blog as well as things in the Redbook and Clinic books.  I posted the readings for the Redbook in a previous post.  My students are taking their own articles that they researched and summerizing and analyzing supporting details--which seems to be "killing two birds..."

Saturday, November 10, 2012

9th Update

Could we use the "Moon Landing" article in the clinic books for the Advanced SAQ question about identifying bias? 

We may also need to create some test questions for the "theme standard."

I will make sure I come down on time this Wednesday--I came down last Wednesday about halfway through and didn't see you. 

Where I am:

I will be finished with debates and through chapter 5-6 of the book by Thursday.  I have been having the students evaluate the validity of the arguments Gladwell makes and stressing his use of a narrative/testimonials to create an argument.  I have assigned them to create an argument for or against innate ability vs. opportunity.  I have a hard copy of a graphic organizer if you would like to use it, too.  I plan on having the students pracitce the ERQ on Thursday of next week.  We will take a root quiz on Friday and do an activity with theme.  Monday and Tuesday of the following week, we will be practicing the SAQ with a documentary and reading "The Scarlet Ibis" to analye theme--I believe. 

Is this about where you are?

 : )

RI 8.9 Articles and Sources

Please find links to some primary and secondary source documents to use for RI 8.9. 

Read through the documents and select which documents would be a focus for your unit. 

Also "The Moon Landing" that Abby mentioned in the Clinic books would be awesome to use. 

Do not use Benedict Arnold. 

Abby, I have taken your links from a previous blog post and put them on the side under RI 8.9. 

Have a good weekend!


P.S.  I think I am finally getting a grasp of the unit.  I believe that we could use some of the articles Abby and I have found under RI 8.9 to use throughout the unit.  Use those first and have students knock off RI 8.2, RI 8.3, RI 8.9 using conspiracy, mystery, and lies.  The articles I found previously don't exactly fit that.  I am just now completely understanding it. I jumped in to finding resources before I had a complete understanding.  Sorry, all!  It's not too late though, I haven't actually started the unit yet.  My kids have been in the lab searching, but I haven't given them a writing prompt besides search for a conspiracy.  I did tell some to pick a side in their search, but it was a select few, and I can easily fix that. 

I did go over primary and secondary sources and how to evaluate reliable sources before we went to the lab.  I have posted some links and documents on the blog and in dropbox under writing.

I also made a general lesson 2 vocabulary quiz over root words and posted it to Dropbox.   


Monday, November 5, 2012

RI 8.3 Texts in Redbook

Page 179 A historical document compared to an article

Page 195 article and historical fiction text "Drumbeats and Bullets"

Page 224 Unit pretest option to assess RI 8.2 and RI 8.3

Page 439 from "The Diary of a Young Girl" 

Page 445 "A Tragedy Revealed:  A Heroine's Last Days"

Page 463 "Walking With Living Feet"

Page 496 "Refugee in Americs"

Page 499 "The First Americans"

Page 506 "Coming To America"

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dropbox & Unit 3 - MORE updates!

I sooo want to title this "Drop It Like It's Hot" - but managed to refrain. ;)
I have uploaded tons to Dropbox. You will see more in the on demand file under "K-Prep, Standards & other Resources"

Unit 3
On dropbox, I have added the Unit 3 plan with the all daily targets.  We still need language targets for grammar. I plan on continuing to teach RI.8.3 (I just think it is an easy on going target) and L.8.4 & L.8.5 (ongoing vocabulary).

Where I am
I am still behind. I have to give the test Monday and I will finish up narrative this week. By Friday, I hope to give the common narrative assessment (see blog post 'Next Week') . Please look at the blog post with those prompts. We need to give the same prompt before Christmas break, at which point we will 'trade 'n grade. Do we want to give them a choice in prompts -OR- would like to pick one of those prompts - if so, which one?
I am holding off on RL.8.7 - until I can get some time to get to it. I have a sub on the 17th so that looks like an easy enough plan. If there is a standard I can give up, right now, that is the one. :)

I am still digging into this idea of conspiracy theories and more likely opening it up to historical conspiracies and mysteries. The mysteries will open this up for more variety. I am going to be very selective, however, in which conspiracies I touch on, simply because some can get into very sensitive areas. I may stick to moon landing (in CC book), Roswell/Area 51, global warming (?), Shakespeare authorship, Columbus/Vikings discovered America, etc. I may only emphasize one in class and then let them do the necessary reading in order to research for their topic. My issue is getting to the research part without having a regular lab to access. Growl.

A few sites I stumbled upon last night:
I am still hunting and gathering! Happy Sunday! :) 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Another standards resource

 I'll admit - I am the world's most ADD Internet searcher (is that a word)? 

I started looking for materials related to u.3 standards.......and came up with this really nicely organized resource for the standards. I like the 'assessment questions' - what a great way to see the types of questions we should be asking - formatively and on common assessments.

Take 5-10 minutes to glance at it!


Okay - I'm back to unit 3 and collecting writing materials for us...stay tuned. 


The rubric for the analysis essay is posted in the "Argument" folder.  The rubric comes with the writing prompt for Outliers.  I have used our direct Quality Core standards to make the rubric. I was thinking that they should do multiple argument based essays.  This can change if we find any more information for what is expected in the On-Demand format.  The rubric will at least work for the essay they are currently writing about rhetorical appeals. 

I am working on the research assignment.  We can talk about if it is necessary to include a major written portion as the standards do not call for that; it basically asks them to present their findings.  I will post what I have so far, so we can talk about where to go from there.  I have aligned all of the appropriate standards so far.   

Also, i have added clips for how I am introducing the book Outliers.  I am showing one as a summery of the argument, then I will go deeper into evaluating the arguments for and against the 10,000 hour rule using the YouTube clips.  All of my clips are on this blog.  I added clips for 8th grade General also. 


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Next Week

A lot of work to do!
  • Unit 3:   This plan is posted to dropbox. We should be ready to begin in after Election Day, give a day/two. Please look over the standards. Reading is informational focused. Writing is research/informational. We have neglected language. We need to bring the College Readiness standards back in. Chris & Josh, I think you all were working on that year-long plan. The unit plan says verbals, but we have the freedom to work within the first 2-3 bands of the ACT College Readiness Standards. Can we have a plan for the next unit? It is a 6 week unit. We need to plan an extended meeting to meet & discuss this unit so we are ready to go.  After school is hard on most of us. Before school Wednesday? Then we can meet Wednesday in PM planning to finish up. Email me if Wednesday AM doesn't work.
  • On Demand Test Unit 2 prompts - let me know what you think.  I've used the prompt format I saw in the samples. I am looking for a rubric that is more specific than the existing draft versions. Should we let them choose between two prompts, like the test?  Or just offer one prompt.  

    1. Traditions bond families together, linking the present members of the family to the generations before them. Traditions and rituals can happen in happy or sad moments, small get-togethers or grand-scale occasions. Your local newspaper is celebrating stories tradition and wants you to contribute your story. Write about a time when you honored a tradition. Focus on a particular occasion that gives a concrete example of how the tradition was observed. 
        2.  Often when we think of the word 'foreign' we think of being from a different country.    However, foreign can refer to anything that is strange or unfamiliar. Often we may feel foreign in a setting we are not used to. It may a different culture, routine, ritual or place that made you feel alien. Write about a story about a time in which you felt like a stranger in a foreign setting. Be sure you are clear as to what the situation was and why you felt out of place. 



RI 8.2

Found lesson plans correlated to RI 8.2 that I posted on Dropbox under that standard.  Lots of links to informational texts.  I also found an interesting way to introduce the topic--if you want to take the Holocaust topic. 

I have added quite a few things under the writing--check with Abby before using.  I don't know exactly how well they are aligned to the standard. 

From WebEnglishTeacher:

Although it is history, I wanted to "ease" my fragile 8th graders into the subject of the Holocaust. AS chance would have it, it was Dr. Seuss's birthday when I began the unit, so I read "The Sneetches" to the students, as well as "The Better Butter Battle". They made some connections to what they knew of the subject, but still couldn't understand (or believe) how people would follow such craziness.
So I checked out some social studies lessons, and adapted one as follows. As an intro the "Diary of Anne Frank" I faked a grammar game. Each student picked a ribbon out of an envelope and tied it on his/her wrist. 1/2 the class were green, 1/4 were gold and 1/4 were silver. (They thought gold and silver were going to be the "elite".) Green could speak anytime, gold could speak when I or green spoke to them, and silver could speak when gold or green gave them permission. Obviously, tons of rules could be made up to apply. I asked greens easy questions "Name a noun" and they were rewarded whenever they answered correctly, or at least tried. Gold was asked questions that were difficult, but answerable, and only allowed to have a treat every 2-3 times (depending on the supply of goodies) and silver was asked virtually unanswerable questions (Use a conjunction that serves as a preposition in a compound sentence which has flibbertygibbet as the objective complement). Anyway, you get the idea. When all was said and done, I asked the kids (for homework) to write their observations.
Here's the scary part: No one said it was unfair, they only said they were glad/sad about the color ribbon they were given. They learned something uncomfortable about themselves and the world, but they also understand the problems with indifference and going along with the crowd. As an aside, we discussed "revisionists" who say that the Holocaust didn't happen. I proved to them statistically that no one in the class had blonde hair, although 8 of them did. ("We're looking for blondes, so let's discount the brunettes. We're looking for girls, so let's discount the boys." We ended up with -3 blondes, because brunette boys had been counted twice.) They seemed to understand that they need to be on their guard with such things now.


Saturday, October 27, 2012


Advanced, Unit 2 assessment is updated with ERQ and SAQ on Dropbox.


Readings for Unit 3

I found some supplemental novels for our conspiracy theory unit.  There are plenty for everyone to have at least one class set of one novel. 

Historical Fiction 

The witch of Blackbird Pond
--Witches conspiracy--colonial America

The Year of  the Hangman
--George Washington's death conspiracy--after the Rev. War

Winter of the Dead
--Starvation and cannibalism in colonial America.  (kinda a stretch on conspiracy)

  I believe social studies is on colonial America now.   

My students really liked that we had Max the Mighty to pull most of our reading from.  We only read about 6 random chapters in all, but I think they will like a centered reading focus for this unit also. 

These are just a few ideas--feel free to come up with something way better. 


Study Guide

I added a potential study guide for the test onto Dropbox under Assessments.  It is titled: ELA Final Term 1 (2).  I made this last year for my S.E. students, but it may work as a study guide. 

I also added my sample ERQ and SAQ under the RL 8.3; although, they are not perfect I made them quickly. 


Friday, October 19, 2012

On-Demand Prompt

This is what I used today:

Write about a time you learned a lesson, and how did that lesson change you or someone else? 


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Minutes from today

Minutes from PLC today -
  • Unit 2 test writing:
  • SAQ was changed to the ERQ.
  • Need Abby and Josh's questions typed and sent to Chris.
  • Abby will send the questions we wrote today to Chris for formatting by tomorrow PM.
  • The reading test will be on or a day before/after OCTOBER 31st.
  • I posted that Rip Van Winkle task to dropbox. Could be a good review passage before unit test. Read through the instructions at beginning - it was an interesting way to explicit;y teach the guided reading.
  • RACE may be replaced with RAP-C :Restate, Answer, Prove, C??? What was the C? Comment?

Reminder of how we are assessing standards this unit -
1. Reading (RL.8.3, RL.8.1, L.8.5, L.8.4)- Cold passage/MC questions/ERQ/SAQ = Test October 31st
2. Reading (RI.8.7) Evaluate mediums on Appalachia - Write a lesson plan (see drop box for task & materials)
3. Reading (RL.8.3) Analyze & evaluate film choices -  How about a film review that shows their knowledge of the departure from text + director's choices. We can show samples? If we do this - how can we embed that S&L standard into this? SL.8.2: Analyze purpose/evaluate motives?
4. Writing (W.8.3): On Demand, 60 minute response to prompt. I will post some prompt options to blog - we didn't get to them today.

And Sincerely, Teachers

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

GREAT Standards Resource!!

I am gathering materials and brainstorming ideas for our on demand assessment for W.8.3.

I came across this GREAT website from Ohio. They have linked Read.Write.Think lessons and other quality lessons/resources to each standard. 

Below I am specifically linking the W.8.3 standard. Check out the 'flashback' lesson and the 'leads' lessons - among the others. 

This link will lead you to lessons for the other standards. :) 

I know we are all crunched for time, but I found some great articles and resources all around this site when I went back to the home page and starting poking around.

I will have a list of on demand prompts and resources tomorrow at PLC. 

Assessment RI.8.7 & materials

I just created an assessment for RI.8.7

I created a folder for this standard in dropbox that has the assignment. It is a written assessment wher ethe students pretend to be a teacher who has to explain his/her choice to include 3 of the 5 possible mediums (see evaluation chart) on to teach Appalachian Culture. You will also find handouts I used. The only thing I have not doen yet is scanned and uploaded the excerpt from Outliers that talks about the "Culture of Honor".

Also, I created a Prezi for this. It has an intro video that I did for my student bc that is what I used for my sub plans today. IGNORE THAT. LOL! If I get time I will edit the Prezi and resend the link with changes.

I encourage you to get to know Prezi if you haven't used it already! I love it. It is much easier to embed video clips and it is web-based so it is easy-access!

Enrichment Reading for Writing

I have found one short descriptive text that would work well for struggling readers with a lexical level of about 600.  Pretty low. 

Use it to teach the narrative writing standards of narrative intro, refelction, sensory details, sequence of events etc...

Get with your special ed. coordinator to get the reading on A-Z. 

"Inside a Copper Mine," by Tony Francisco

Level P

Friday, October 12, 2012

Target 3

What decision does the following line of dialogue provoke?   (RL 8.3 Target 3)

“Nothing else. I paid over nineteen dollars for it.”


A.      Saeng has to decide where to place the plant in the garden.

B.      Saeng’s mother has to decide whether or not she will be mad at Saeng for spending so much money.

C.       Saeng should have chosen to spend her money on something else.

D.      Saeng had to decide Big Macs over Flowers.

RL 8.7

In the last post Abby meant RI 8.7.

Okay, I have been focused on English 1, so I kinda dropped the ball on finding everyone materials to use for RL 8.7. 

Anne Frank could be used-- It is in the red book, relates to culture, and there are film versions available.   Just focus on how the film version vs. the play version creates mood, so you can focus on camera angles and lighting.   You can modify what you practiced with the "Freak the Mighty" clip to use for Anne Frank

I am using Max the Mighty to go along with "Freak the Mighty."

There are 19 copies left in the library that you can check out for your class for next week, if you want to use that.  If you wait until the following week you can use the copies I have checked out. 

Due to the fact that we are limited on materials--we may want to trade off what week we teach RL 8.7 so that more than two people can use the Max the Mighty materials.   


You can also go to the library and ask them what materials they have that also have a companion film.  If you cannot do that before next week--then I would suggest focusing on RI 8.7 for next week. 

I have picked two materials in the text that go along with it in the post I made a few weeks ago. 

Abby just posted some material that can be used...

I will post the podcast link on here, and I assume that you can find the Dianne sawyer clip online. 

Try YouTube for Dianne Sawyer clip
We can get you an excerpt of Outliers ASAP. 
This should cover the basics for RI and RL 8.7.

If you are completely lost or confused about what I am saying see me in person or call me. 



Post Delay

I think I fixed the issue; this is a test post.

RL.8.7 - Text Option

Nerd alert. The truth is - I am resisting the urge to text every single one of you right now. #sorryi'mnotsorry I just get ridiculously excited when I find texts/literature that I find interesting and that is relevant to what we are doing in the classroom.

Anyway - I just found a reading that will be so cool to use with our RI.8.7 target where we are compare/contrasting how info is presented. We are tying the culture EQ to specifically to Appalachian culture - listening to a podcast, watching exceprts of the Diane Sawyer interview with Appalachian people, and reading some texts.

Malcolm Gladwell TOTALLY goes into our culture conversation using an informational approach with his chapter on Harlan, KY from his book Outliers. We will definitely have to manipulate the presentation of the chapter because the first part references a study in which researchers wanted to experiment with insults and the male (18-20 years old) brain. The insult was 'a$$hole' - the book casually drops the word several times. I think we can leave that part of the chapter out. (My hesitation is not so much that they will breakdown at hearing the cuss word - it is more about the possibility that one of them will decide to run the experiment themself.) Ha!

I also have a fave essay from Loyal Jones where he references some of the traits that are common to Appalachians. It ties into Gladwell's argument regarding the intense connection between Appalachians and their territory and tendancy to be 'aggressive'. Jones acknowledges the connection, whereas Gladwell tries to explain it (herdsman protecting their livlihood). It is so dense that it may be tough to read, but I think we could pull a paragraph or two from Jones. (And this is why I wish THC's Hatfields and McCoys wasn't so darn gory to watch!! Ugh!) *Sidenote- Morehead Theater Guild was performing a locally written play called Bloody Rowan all this week - it was about an infamous  Rowan feud between the Tollivers and Martins.

This will be something we can organize for the week we are ready to get that standard. Next week we are focusing on RL.8.7 and W.8.3, but this was something that I ran across this morning and had to share! :)

If you google "Harlan KY Outliers excerpt" you will get links to what others have said about that chapter in the book. I will have a hardcopy by Tuesday - I'll "drop it" (s/o to Cobb's slang) if I feel fancy this weekend.

~Happy Friday!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I have made a quick little formative for RL 8.3.  It is in Dropbox under Reading Materials.  It goes with the "Mr. Irwin Lasher" story from "Bad Boy."


Saturday, October 6, 2012

9th Unit 2

Dear Abby,  ; )

The following are the standards I am focusing on next week.


a. Identify, analyze, and evaluate the effectiveness of persuasive techniques (e.g., appeals to emotion,

reason, or authority; stereotyping) and the presence of bias in literature, film, advertising, and/or


h. Identify the author’s stated or implied purpose in increasingly challenging text

There is a process for getting students to think like a writer to analyze and evaluate informational texts called SOAPSTone. 
We would be hitting everything under the A.5 standard and it would keep up a very rigorous class system, but it would be on-going.  My husband uses it for his Pre-AP class, but I believe our kids could get started on a modified version.  We need to start them off being able to identify the different categories in a text then, we can have them analyze for just one.  The sequence is laid out and models made for us to follow.  I will start it, and see how it goes. 
My 9th grade week:
Persuasion/Rhetoric (A.6)
Persuasion/Rhetoric  (A.6)
Identify the different SOAPSTone terms in a text  (A.5)
Identify and explain the different terms in a text  (A.5)
8th Grade:
W8.3  Dialogue, Commentary, Vivid verbs, Sensory details, Point of view, Characterization

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Common Assessment Cold Passage - Unit 2

1. CLEAN-UP I attempted to tidy up our unit two folder in dropbox by making folders for each part of this unit. If I've misplaced a document, feel free to drag it to the appropriate box - sometimes it was tough to tell which folder I was dragging to.
-assessments (pretests, common assessment, etc)
-reading (any documents, resources for the reading standards)
-writing (any documents, assignments, resources for the writing standards)
-essential question (any documents we used to relate to culture)

2. COMMON ASSESSMENT I found and formatted the text 'Winter Hibiscus' for our common assessment. It is in the common assessment folder for unit two. It includes a lot of dialogue and incidents that can be analyzed for cause/effect, characterization, and effect on meaning.  We can review Unit 1 by adding context clues and inference questions. I have some questions already drafted up that I will share with you this week. *Bonus: it connects to the essental question.
BEFORE THURSDAY: Please read this text (Winter Hibiscus) and write 3-5 multiple-choice questions that could tie each of the following standards: RL8.3, RL.8.1, L.8.4a, L.8.4b   L.8.5. We will work with Mrs. Dixon to finalize our MC questions and we can work together to write some SAQ/ERQ questions.

In the words of my hero Anne Lamott: "...(T)he only way I can get anything written at all is to write really, really sh***y first drafts....All good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere. Start by getting something -- anything -- down on paper." :) 

**How are we doing with the job assignments from last Wednesday? Let me know if you need any help or direction-steering. :)


I added a PowerPoint on characterization to dropbox.  Teach it with any short story--after they have the hang of plot and setting.  I like the chart on page 134 in the Red Book to get them to start analyzing character. 


Friday, September 28, 2012

Readings with Standards

list of literary resources and skills to use with them in the culture unit 2:

Red Book:

"A Smart Cookie," by Sandra Cisneros page 747
"The Medicine Bag" page 759
"An Hour with Abuelo" page 773
"The Old Grandfather and His Little Grandson
  • RL 8.3

"Saying Yes," by Diana Chang 753
  • RL 8.5 pair with "A Smart Cookie"

"The Wise Old Woman," by Yoshiko Uchida
  • RL8.3--Plot

Mrs. Flowers from I Know Why a Caged Bird Sings, by Maya Angelou
  • RL 8.3

"First Stop:  Ellis Island"  Photo Essay

Coming to America from New Kids on the Block:  Oral Histories of Immigrant Teens  Oral History

  • RI 8.7  Compare and contrast the theme/topic of these two texts--then evaluate the advantages/disadvantages of one medium over the other

"My Mother Pieced Quilts," by Teresa Palomo Acosta

"Everyday Use," by Alice Walker  --Not in book (I have this short story)
  •   RL 8.5  Compare and contrast the structure of these two texts....

"Gil's Furniture Bought and Sold," by Sandra Cisneros page 609
  • L8.5 a-c

"I Hear America Singing," by Walt Whitman page 671

"I, Too Sing America," by Langston Hughes
  • L8.5 a
  • W8.3d

"Brer Rabbit and Brer Lion"
"The Ransom of Red Chief," By O. Henry
  • L8.5a-c

"Tell-Tale Heart," by Edgar Allen Poe (I know it doesn't really have anything to do with culture, but it has irony!!)
  • L8.5 a-c
To explicitly teach narrative openings, look under writing in dropbox.

Yes, there are many many more, but this will do for now. 


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Minutes 9/26

Great Link from Jefferson County:
This link has tons of resources specifically for KY middle school ELA: on-demand writing resources, articles on reading, unit planning for standards based curriculum, a great Socratic circle handout, and tons more! *Tiffany can add it to our Important Links section on the right when she gets a chance. :)

Minutes from Power Hour 9/26: 

1. Expertise roles were assigned as follows:
Tiffany: Reading materials & struggling reader materials (A-Z, adapted texts, etc).
Chris: Grammar year-long plan per college readiness standards, test-formatter (is that a word?)
Josh: 21st century-connector, bellwork bank, grammar unit plan
Sarah: vocabulary year-long plan, learning target remediation*this is for anyone not just sped
Abby: Writing, learning target enrichment, curriculum document maintenance

2. Brainstormed ideas for RL.8.7 - To Kill a Mockingbird, Harry Potter, Hatfield-McCoys/Coffin Quilt, Hugo Cabret, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, Blind Side...
*I thought of Gulliver's Travels when I got home. Here is link to a READ.WRITE.THINK lesson that could really help us with this assignment. It can be adapted to any book/movie combo. It mentioned Light in the Forest. This is a short novel - has a huge culture connection. There is a film version.

3. Need to develop our questions for Unit 2 Common Assessment

"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success."
Henry Ford 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Morning Power Hour - This Week

I am getting feedback that mornings are good for most. 

Who can meet me tomorrow morning at 7:35? 
We do not have to do this every week - just until we get our plans so that we are preparing a week+ in advanced. We gotta suck it up for a little bit to make life easier later on.

Power hour plan: 
1. Prepare materials/texts for this unit. We need literature that includes ample dialogue, plot incidents and character develop that also can help look at culture and how people are defined by their culture. Think about a variety of cultures: Native American, Appalachian, African American. Look through our text, plus any other resources or novel excerpts you can think of. I have chapter 1-2 of The Kite Runner?

2. What text are we going to use to assess RL.8.7? Must be available in print and performance form.

I am all about efficiency for this group and I finally feel like we are getting a handle on this!! But we have to FOLLOW THROUGH! Let's talk about roles we could each be in charge of so for each unit we are not all doing 7 different things every unit. You would be in charge of getting a plan together for your particular area of expertise. You use the existing unit plan and standards, and you come prepared to each PLC with materials and ideas to share for the current unit and, eventually, future units. We need the following jobs to be worked out by the group. 1-2 people could work on each. When you take this job you are responsible for the group, so you must offer items and materials in a timely and accessible manner: use dropbox, offer clear instructions, provide a teacher copy if dropbox isn't an option, eventually a week in advance (but we can settle for 2-3 days until we get to the 'week' part). 
a. Year-long specific plan for vocabulary: Latin root and affix work + activities/quizzes; L.8.6-academic/domain-specific words*
        b. Year-long specific plan for College Readiness English/grammar + activities/quizzes*
*These items essentially will have their own curriculum map created for the whole year. They are on-going.
c. Year long unit-by-unit texts & materials for reading standards considering lexiles, variety, standard-connection, EQ connection, availability, etc.
d. Year long unit-by-unit materials for writing standards considering on-demand requirements, plus a variety of writing needs as determined by the unit plan
        e. Year-long unit-by-unit materials for struggling readers (A-Z, strategies, modifications to assignments) - would work with job c. very closely - but also needs to communicate with the 8th grade SPED people
        f. Bellwork plan for the year or a bellwork bank. Something we can pull from as needed: flashbacks, test prep, writing prompts, grammar, edits - a variety of standards-based ideas for the year. *Optional (is this necessary  Would it help?)
        g. Test Format Maker- We give the common assessment materials to you and you work your magic putting it into the proper testing formats for K-Prep, making a teacher copy and getting it to assessment folder for Mr. Halsey
       h. Remediation expert. You will work mostly with reading/writing (for now) to develop assignments/rubrics/tasks that could offer remediation for students as they learn the new reading & writing standards. This is different from job e. because ANY student can struggle with a articular standard and we have to have the go-to materials to support re-teaching.
        i. Enrichment expert. Same concept as above, only you are thinking about strategies to take existing reading/writing tasks (as established by job c/d) and enrich them.
        j.  21st Century Connection Expert: We need to look at each unit and how the reading, writing and speaking/listening make 21st century connections. You need to be familiar with the state's KY Curriculum Map document for Next Generation learners and you will work closely with the unit plan, plus jobs c/d to see how you can tweak/enhance activities so that a variety of 21st century skills are made each unit. 

Have a great day! See you at grade level meetings! :) 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Unit 2 Updates

TIP: Bookmark this page on school and home computer! :) It will save you from trying to remember the  URL. I think you can also choose to follow the blog via email, so that every time a new post is made you will receive an email update. 

- Learning Targets have been posted to Dropbox.  

-Pretest for RL.8.5 passage (Pecos Bill) is uploaded. Don't jump in until you know what they
 know! You can adjust from there. Can I get a volunteer to provide answers for the group? We can add/revise questions as needed. 

-Reflect & respond: We are still significantly behind and not to the point of planning a week or two in advanced. I vote for a couple hardcore 'power hour' sessions before or after school in the VERY near future to get us caught up. I think it will pay off in the long run. 

"To reach a port, we must sail—Sail, not tie at anchor—Sail, not drift."
~Franklin Roosevelt

Saturday, September 15, 2012

9th Grade Cold Passage

Found a nice little poem that can be used to assess their ability to analyze voice on the Common Assessment. 

I think we have our passages... when can we meet to make the questions?

Latin Roots Lesson 1 and Culture Openers

Please find the first lesson of Latin Roots with answer key under the Unit 2 Materials. 

With the "Contemplating Culture" worksheet have index cards with one of the following words written on each card:

-cricket, soccer, curling, rugby, jai alai
-Islam, Hindu, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism
-blue jeans, kimono, sari, dashiki, hijab
-borscht, poi, croissant, pizza, flautas, sushi
- sitar, jembe, tango, diggery-doo
- democracy, republic, communism, monarchy, socialism
- Portuguese, French, Swahili, Japanese, Tagalog

In groups, ask students to sort the cards into stacks of related words and choose a category name for each stack. 

Use the PowerPoint to give students a visual of some of the unknown words. 

In groups, place some of the cards into cultural categories and give the stack a cultural name like, "American."

Next go on to any of the other two "engager" exercises.   

The "Circles of Influence" worksheet asks students to read the poem "I am From" and think about the different cultures they are a part of and describe that culture in with a few solid images. 

The "Perceptions" worksheet asks students to look at 5 symbols and write down what they associate with that symbol to teach them about differing perceptions.  The images for this worksheet are on a PowerPoint.



Unit 2 essential quesiton:  How are people defined by a culture? (Still talking about place--just a little more broad)

Culture activity --Tiffany will post on the PLC website and e-mail in Google docs.

Common Assessment underway--we will use a longer play, A Doll's House, as our cold passage. 

On Tuesday's PLC we will make questions for the Common Assessment. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

9/13 Today's Agenda:

1. Test items - answers/models/validity (10 minutes)

2. Newspapers - how to use/share/etc. (5 minutes)

3. Unit 2 groundwork. (15 minutes)
Agenda for the next two days:
Friday after school:  9th Grade PLC
Saturday at 12:  8th Grade PLC Unit 2 Common Assessment
Got it started--just need to add things to it!