Friday, April 26, 2013

RL 8.2 Question Stems

RL 8.2 Reminders with questions stems: 

-This standard is more than just having students id thematic statement. To build on 7th grade, they are now explaining HOW the characters, setting, and plot relate to the theme. (See standard for exact wording). 

-While you establish how to make a theme statement, start thinking about how characters change through the story. Think about the significance or any changes to the setting. Have students look at the key plot points. I personally think that by focusing on character you can naturally embed and discuss the other two concepts. 

-*Don't forget docs uploaded to dropbox pertaining to theme. 

Here are the question stems I am seeing that we can use as we formatively and summatively assess. This does not include what is in our Clinic books.  
  • Which character in the passage learns a lesson?
  • What is the theme of the passage?
  • How does the author demonstrate the theme?
    (Answer choices include: by stating it directly in passage/by showing how characters A & B get along/through a description of character A' thoughts/ through repeated examples of character B's lack of action)
  • Which element in the passage MOST helps develop the theme? 
  • How does the ending (resolution) of the passage support the theme?
  • Which word fromt eh passage gives the best clue about the theme? 

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